Lidcombe CSC Under 15 vs Greystanes FC
at Ron Mondy Oval, Marian St, Guildford at 10am.
Meet at Ron Mondy Oval No Later than 9.15am.
AAM 1st Grade vs Kings Old Boys (White)
at Marconi Stadium, Prairevale Road Bossley Park, at 3pm.
Meet at Marconi Stadium No Later than 2pm.
Presentation Day 2018
BBQ Lunch from 12noon – 2.00pm
Presentation of trophies from 2.30pm
New players most welcome – all new players are required to bring a copy of proof of age
Important dates in the lead up to the 2019 season:
- Monday 7th January – Online registrations open through our website
- Saturday 2nd February – In person registrations at Phillips Park, 11am to 1pm.
- Saturday 9th February – In person registrations at Phillips Park, 11am to 1pm.
- Sunday 10th February – In person registrations at Phillips Park, 11am to 1pm.
*** The above registration dates will be the ONLY in person registrations we will be taking this season. ***
- Training will begin Tuesday 12th & Wednesday 13th February
- Competition matches will begin:
- Saturday 30th March for juniors and AAM
- Sunday 31st March for AAL
It is extremely important that players are registered BEFORE Monday 11th February to allow time for team allocations. Do not expect to register at training.
Please also read the Pre-season newsletter containing all of this and further important information