No Lidcombe Tip

Cumberland Council is currently assessing an application to build a large waste transfer station in Lidcombe, at 109A Church St. This is located next to residents.
Please note: a new website will be available soon. In the meantime to make important information available, we have borrowed this page from the website of the local community soccer club, and redirected to this page.
If you believe that the proposal for the waste transfer station may have an impact on your area, please take the time to view the very detailed information in Council’s DA Tracker at – then reference the application number – DA2023/0130.
Direct Link to the DA details
Youtube channel – No Lidcombe Tip

If you are concerned about the proposed rubbish tip (Organic Waste Transfer Station, 109A Church Street, Lidcombe) and its impact, please lodge your concerns with Cumberland Council via email by Friday, 14 July 2023.

TO: [email protected]
Include your concerns…

Contact details (either email address and/or telephone number) noting Council will not consider anonymous submissions.

(this does not cover all concerns, but some issues for consideration)

Traffic issues

  • 118 truck movements daily – through town and/or residential areas;
  • Timing of these movements – timeframes don’t align within the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), so more detail, corrected, should be provided.
  • This transfer station will be used for councils across the Sydney metropolitan area (listed as Inner West and Central Sydney areas, and then further implied for waste transfer across the Sydney metropolitan area), so transport and waste would be from all angles across the Lidcombe road network.

    Quality of road network
  • Roads and roundabouts will be damaged by the ongoing heavy vehicle usage of the area.
  • Maintenance would then be needed, which Council would need to pursue.
  • Rubbish on trucks could also ‘fly out’ during the transport phase. While trucks are indicated to be covered, the reality is that they are not always covered.

    Hours of operation
  • From EIS – Monday to Friday – 6.00 am to 10.00 pm; Saturday – 8.00 am to 6.00 pm; No operations will take place on Sunday and public holidays
  • Noting that the timeframes may expand pending other requirements of the business need.
  • Note that the Cumberland Development Control Plan (DCP) for Industrial zone says that timeframes are 7.00 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Saturday (nothing on Sunday). The proposed operational times go significantly over the DCP.

    Odor control
  • Whilst the Environmental Impact Statement and other report allegedly addresses the odor, there is no absolute assurance that odour from the site can be controlled.
  • Odours will also buffer the area when the trucks are travelling through to the site.
  • This will then impact the commercial entities of Lidcombe, as well as the residential areas.

  • Whilst this is an area zoned ‘industrial’, however, it is within very close proximity – less than 100 metres to the residential area.
  • Significant public housing, affordable housing and units are almost completed construction in very close proximity. It is so inappropriate for this proposal to be within this proximity.
  • The DCP also indicates ‘The hours of operation are managed to ensure residential amenity is protected’ (item 2.12 – Operational Management). This proposed operation completely unprotects the residential amenity.
  • Extracts from the amenity of the public space open area of the Pippita Rail Trail which is intended for active use and improved access to parklands and open spaces.
  • This site is not suitable for waste transfer processing – it needs to be within a full industrial area, with major arterial roads, not town centre or suburban roads, and not within such reach of a major residential area.

    Potential Future Tip Operations
  • If it is approved, is it Cumberland City Council to monitor the operations of this business? How will they do this? It adds more strain on the Council
  • What penalties will Cumberland City Council impose on the operator re going outside the approved operations?
  • If the ‘Tip’ becomes operational, what if it is extended to become a ‘tip’ for everything (garbage, recycling, green waste, FOGO and building waste (including asbestos). How will Cumberland City Council monitor the potential expansion of this ‘tip’? This is ‘futuristic’, but could be of concern.